Dr. Viktória Móré, lawyer
Address: H–4025 Debrecen, Hatvan u. 72.
Tel/Fax: +36 (52) 316-429
Please contact us and make an appointment by phone
E-mail contacts:
Central: office@drmoreviktoria.hu
Dr. Viktória Móré: viktoria.more@drmoreviktoria.hu
Judit Szodrai: judit@drmoreviktoria.hu
This website is operated and maintained by Dr. Viktória Móré, a lawyer registered by the Debrecen Chamber of Lawyers, in conformance to the legal regulations and internal rules pertaining to lawyers, as stipulated, together with the information relating to the rights of clients, at the www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu website. This website has been designed and developed in view of the Regulations of the Hungarian Chamber of Lawyers no. 8/1999 (March 22) as amended by the Regulations of the Hungarian Chamber of Lawyers no. 5/2008 (Nov 27) on the ethical rules and expectations of the Hungarian Chamber of Lawyers for professional lawyers.